How to get cloud id when receiving webhook update?

Hello everyone. I registered webhook using jira administration console. For now when receiving webhook update it contain cloud name in ‘self’ property. Is it possible to include cloud id in webhook update?

Hi @BIvanychko,

Are you manually registering webhooks using the Jira admin UI in multiple tenants? Wouldn’t it be better to develop an app for this?


Hi, @dmorrow and thank you for response. Does webhook contain different information depending on way of registering? Yes, for now manually. If I will register webhook updates using rest api will it contain cloud id as well as cloud site name?

Hi @BIvanychko,

Does webhook contain different information depending on way of registering?

I think the information is the same, however, a webhook registered through the admin interface won’t be signed with a JWT. The JWT contains an iss claim which is the clientKey that you receive in the installed callback and is different for each tenant. Cloud ID is a different concept - a single cloud ID may exist for a set of tenants in different products. Connect is not a “cross product” framework so it doesn’t distribute the cloud ID.
