How to get issue details Story point estimate by API?

In a Jira issue, there are some items in Details:

I want to get the Story point estimate data from API, tried this one:[ISSUE_ID]

But didn’t find the item. Which API can I get the data?

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @SeikyoCho,

I recommend get issue estimation from board using GET /rest/agile/1.0/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/estimation. This automatically handles the configuration for story points or hours and the mapping into specific a custom field.

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Hi @ibuchanan
Thank you.

I tried

But got an error:

"errorMessages": [
"A board ID must be specified"
"errors": {}


Sorry, it seems the docs aren’t completely accurate for this endpoint. The query parameter boardId seems to be required, even though the docs don’t mention it.

Can you try, GET /rest/agile/1.0/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/estimation?boardId={boardId}

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Hi @ibuchanan
Thank you very much.
It works now!