How to handle webhook with a secret set on webhook page?

I created a webhook with a secret code on this page:

I want to add secret code check in my web application. The function like:

function handleWebhook(req, res) {
  // Retrieve the secret code from the request headers
  const receivedSecret = req.headers['x-hub-signature'];

  // Verify the secret code
  if (receivedSecret === process.env.JIRA_WEBHOOK_SECRET) {
    // Secret code is valid, proceed with handling the webhook payload
    console.log('Received webhook payload:', req.body);

    // Respond with a 200 OK status to acknowledge receipt of the webhook
  } else {
    // Secret code doesn't match, reject the request
    console.error('Invalid secret code');
    res.sendStatus(403); // Forbidden

I want to get the response header from Atlassian and find one named x-hub-signature. However I can’t use it to compare the webhook secret I created and saved in my environment. Since it(x-hub-signature) changes every time when event happened.

Then how to do the security check for the incoming response with Atlassian webhooks?