How to identify macros in Forge?


I would like to store separate data in each macros. I’m using Storage API, so I need an unique macro key (like macros id) to get the required data. Is there any unique macros indentifier and how can I access it?


P.S.: I’m going to use custom UI.

Hi @veloti!

The localId property in the context argument passed to your Custom UI resolver is a reference to the instance of the macro that the resolver was invoked for.


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Hi @tpettersen ,

the localId property in the context argument is unfortunatly not unique as it is duplicated if the macro gets copied by a user.

For example, I added a macro to a page and then copied it and added it a second time. As you can see in the atlas_doc_format below, the bold localId’s in the parameter-context are the same. Those get returned by the resolver.

However, the localId at the end of each macro is still unique. I assume that those are used by Atlassian internally. Unfortunatly those are not accessible for us Forge developers.

Another example is here: Forge Macros: localid duplicated when copying?

Could the first localId be made unique or the second one be made accessible? It is a major blocker for us.

Also, I have no clue whether or not you are the correct person to talk to, but I have no idea who else I should @mention. Could you forward this subject to the correct people?


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Any updates on this topic?

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Hi all,

I’m not bringing any news regarding the fix of this problem but while answering another topic here in community, I saw that this problem was still current so went ahead and raised a bug report:

While this doesn’t mean that it will be addressed right away, there is a central place for tracking the problem, providing any additional feedback (if needed) and check for progress.


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Hi @ccurti,

I just commented the ticket mentioned above - but post it here as well.
Hope that Atlassian will fix this. IMHO: it should not be much effort.

I’m wondering why this problem has existed for so long and is prioritized as “minor”, even though it has a significant impact.
I save configuration data and editing data in a Confluence macro. If a page with a macro is copied and the macro is edited on the new page, the previous data is overwritten! This is a disaster for the users!

A possible workaround for copying the macro to a new page:
=> To make the key more unique: use pageId as a suffix to the localId.

What do you think?

Dear Community experts,
please share your opinion on this topic.
Have you found a workaround?


Same issue, did not find anything unique in the productContext . A macro unique Id (in the productContext or any other way) is an absolutely critical feature to enable self-identification (what instance id is being rendered or edited and to manage your data accordingly).

I am wondering what is LocalId’s use? was it intended to be the macro unique Id?

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