How to list all PR where a specific person is a reviewer?

I am trying to build a dashboard where I wanted to list all PR’s where a specific user is a reviewer.
I tried to had a look on internet and found few things they required project and repo_slugs to fetch the PR. I want something similar like a bitbucket personal dashboard where it list out all PR only exception here is I wanted to see a user specific PR where I don’t want to query all projects or repo_slugs as we have thousands of repo and projects.

Hi @Mjo,

Can you expand a bit more on this requirement? Is it about having a single page, maybe available to an admin/a team lead, where they can see all the PRs where different users are a reviewer? And maybe have the ability to filter by user?

I’m working on creating a sample Forge app and would love to see if I could create one for this use case.


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And here is an article I published about the app:

If you want to check out the source code directly, you can find it here: forge-bitbucket-reports/02.AllWorkspacePRs

I would be interested to know if this is what you had in mind.


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