How to Make Email Address Mandatory During Forge App Installation

I’m currently developing a Forge app for Jira and would like to enforce a requirement where users must have their email address set to “public” in their Jira profile in order to install or use the app. The app relies on accessing the user’s email for validation and backend processes.

What I’m looking for:

  • A way to validate or enforce that the email is public during the installation process.
  • Alternatively, any suggestions for how to handle this requirement better while still ensuring a seamless user experience.

Has anyone encountered a similar use case or found a solution to this?
Any advice, best practices, or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Yeah, that’s not going to work. Atlassian has made a pretty solid effort in making sure that the end user is in control of their PII, including email, as a result of their commitment to implementing GDPR. You cannot force a user to make their email public.

The only thing you can do is disable the app or certain app functionality for users for which you cannot retrieve the email address.

Perhaps if you share your use case (i.e., what does validation and backend processes entail?) then the wisdom of the crowd might give you alternative solutions.

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