There are ‘events’ package for you to listen the event emitted, and I’d like to change UI after the specific event fired. How to make it?
When I try to use websocket to make a real time communication between backend and frontend, I suddenly realize I don’t know the backend’s domain
So even I use custom UI and websocket I can’t make the backend event notify frontend.
PS: I only talk about Forge not anything others
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I don’t think you can push from backend to frontend.
Maybe this thread can help you solve your problem: Event when confluence page is updated.
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Hi @NGPilot , as @FabienLydoire mentioned this is unfortunately not a capability we have in Forge today.
This feature request looks similar to what you are asking for, I’d recommend upvoting it.
We are in the process of exploring real time capabilities at the moment, we will make an announcement once we have something more concrete.
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OK, @FabienLydoire thanks for your reply, I’ll have a try.
Thanks @BoZhang I’ve viewed it and upvoted. Pub/Sub is another way I’ll have a try.