Am new to plugin development, I have a requirement as stated below.
we have enabled custom merge-check hook, which checks the pull-request and merge button is enabled if the checks are passed/accepted or reject with reason if the checks are failed/rejected as shown below.
Now there was a request to display this reject reasons as a banner in the pull request instead of the default warning from merge button.
Kindly help me in understanding how to do this.
I have gone through https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/web-panel-plugin-module/
But not able to understand how to provide my soy template that rendered through a servlet to the web-panel.
Please provide any example if possible for rendering soy template on web-panel.
Natesan S
@madamczak can you lease help me in this one
I don’t know what version of Bitbucket DC you are using, but I would assume the latest.
In this case, you can add the ?web.items&web.fragments&web.sections&extensions
query to the end of the URL on the page you are browsing to discover available plugin and extensions points:
Depending if this is the CSE extension point or Web-Panel plugin point, you can create your custom extension/plugin.
@madamczak , I was able to create a web-panel, but I was not able to load javascript for the web-panel, Please suggest me how to load prmc.js
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- add our web resources -->
<web-resource key="pull-request-merge-check-resources" name="pull-request-merge-check Web Resources">
<resource type="download" name="prmc.css" location="css/prmc.css"/>
<resource type="download" name="prmc.js" location="js/prmc.js"/>
<resource type="download" name="images" location="images"/>
<web-panel key="prmc-web-panel-banner" weight="10" location="bitbucket.web.repository.banner">
Web panel component used to handle the display of the pull request banner
<context-provider class="com.viavi.wireless.bitbucket.provider.MyContextProvider" />
<resource name="view" type="soy" location="${atlassian.plugin.key}:prmc-soy/bitbucket.hook.prmc.myTemplate1"/>
<client-resource key="prmc-soy" name="Plugin Service Soy Templates">
<directory location="/templates">
<!-- very important to include this line here !!!-->
<repository-hook key="pull-request-merge-check-hook" name="Pull Request Merge Check Hook"
<description key="pull-request-merge-check-hook.description">
Plugin to validate Pull Request Description</description>
<config-form name="Pull Request Merge Check" key="pull-request-merge-check-hook-config">
<directory location="/static/"/>
alert(“I’m an alert box!”)
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
alert(“doc text from html”)
console.log(“doc text from html”)
AJS.log(‘doc text from html’);
alert(“Main page JS!”)
AJS.log(‘Main page JS Controller initializing …, contextPath=’ + AJS.contextPath());
There are different ways to load the JS file, or rather, the web-resource
on the page.
You can change the value of <context>prmc</context>
in your web-resource
definition to match the context of the pull request page that is bitbucket.page.pullRequest.detail
in Bitbucket 7+
@madamczak , Thanks a lot for the help js got loaded using your suggestion on the banner. Can you please help me in rendering same message displayed in banner into pop-up(dialog2).
We are investigating which one would be better option in end user perspective.
I have used below , but didn’t worked - kind request to help me out here
I want to use same context-provider used in last message to load message to soy template instead of servlet on the (pop-up dialog2)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- add our i18n resource -->
<resource type="i18n" name="i18n" location="prmc"/>
<!-- add our web resources -->
<web-resource key="pull-request-merge-check-resources" name="pull-request-merge-check Web Resources">
<resource type="download" name="prmc.css" location="css/prmc.css"/>
<resource type="download" name="prmc.js" location="js/prmc.js"/>
<resource type="download" name="images" location="images"/>
<!-- to bind plugin's page to Web Item: atl.admin/admin-support-section on BB UI Administration page -->
<web-item key="prmc-web-panel-web-item" i18n-name-key="prmc-web-panel-web-item.name" section="bitbucket.page.pullRequest.detail" weight="1000">
<propertyValue key="prmc-web-panel-web-item.propertyValue">PRMC plugin</propertyValue>
<label key="prmc-web-panel-web-item.label"/>
Web panel component used to handle the display of the pull request banner
<context-provider class="bitbucket.provider.MyContextProvider" />
<!-- <resource name="view" type="soy" location="${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}:pull-request-merge-check/bitbucket.plugin.popup.myTemplate1"/>-->
<resource name="view" type="soy" location="${atlassian.plugin.key}:prmc-soy/bitbucket.plugin.popup.myTemplate1"/>
<client-resource key="prmc-soy" name="Plugin Jira Cache Service Soy Templates">
<directory location="/templates">
<!-- very important to include this line here !!!-->
<repository-hook key="pull-request-merge-check-hook" name="Pull Request Merge Check Hook"
<description key="pull-request-merge-check-hook.description">
Plugin to validate the pre-sub link in the Pull Request Description</description>
<config-form name="Pull Request Merge Check" key="pull-request-merge-check-hook-config">
<directory location="/static/"/>