How to update Environment Variables?


I was already using environment variables in my app for values that quite never change.
I wanted to use environment variables for feature flags. But I realise that if I change a value using the CLI, it does not change in my app. I have to deploy the app to see the change. Is it the expected behaviour?

Thanks for your help!

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Yes, I confirm that’s the expected behavior. I think you would need to invest in a real feature flag system for that kind of switching.

@ibuchanan please can you get the docs updated to reflect clearly that environment variable changes do not take effect until the app is redeployed?

We had a production incident earlier because we were setting environment variables in our CI/CD pipeline after deployment and it took quite some investigation to figure out that forge variables list was showing us a different set of variables than what the app itself could see.



Can you elaborate? What switches were you using for the CLI for both setting and listing?

We merged the following code:

export const getEnvVariable = (name: string, logger?: Logger): string | undefined => {
    const key = process.env[name];
    if (key === undefined) {
        const message = `Environment variable ${name} is not provided`;
        logger ? logger.error(message) : Logger.consoleError(message);
    if (!key) {
        const message = `Environment variable ${name} is falsey`;
        logger ? logger.error(message) : Logger.consoleError(message);
    return key;

const superSecret = getEnvVariable("SUPER_SECRET");

Our build pipeline did this:

npx forge deploy --environment production --non-interactive --no-verify --verbose
npx forge variables set --encrypt SUPER_SECRET "shhhh" --environment production

and then we got the following error all over the app logs:

Environment variable SUPER_SECRET is not provided

and when we ran:

forge variables list --environment production

we could see the SUPER_SECRET variable was definitely defined.

Redeploying the app solved the problems.



Please watch, vote, and comment on FRGE-943 which I reopened based on your case.