How to use Babel for Jira DC plugins?

Since we wanted to profit off Babel’s tranpilation, we are using Webpack and Babel to compile our Javascript (see file below).

However, today I am having the regeneratorRuntime is not defined error.

My question is, what is the modern way to configure Babel for a Jira plugin? Would someone mind sharing your config file?


Here is our Webpack file:

const path = require('path');
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const fs = require('fs');

let PROD = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
let MINIFIED = process.env.MINIFIED === "true" ;

class BundlerConfiguration {

    constructor(pluginName) {
        this.pluginName = pluginName;

    getConfig() {
        let config = {
            mode: PROD ? 'production' : 'development',
            entry: this.listJsFiles(`${__dirname}/${this.pluginName}/src/main/resources/js/entries`),
            output: {
                path: path.resolve(__dirname, `${this.pluginName}/target/classes/js`),
                // We used to generate .js and -min.js, then I noticed the .js was sufficient for prod.
                //filename: MINIFIED ? '[name]-min.js' : '[name].js'
                filename: '[name].js'
            module: {
                rules: [
                        test: /\.js$/,
                        exclude: /node_modules/,
                        use: {
                            loader: 'babel-loader',
                            options: {
                                presets: [[
                                        "targets": {
                                            "chrome": "88",
                                            "edge": "88",
                                            "firefox": "85",
                                            "ie": "11", // It's IE11 that requires 75Kb polyfills.
                                            "safari": "13.1"
                                        // "useBuiltIns": 'usage', This way it doesn't add polyfills
                                        "debug": true
            resolve: {
                alias: {
                    Include: path.resolve(
                    Utils: path.resolve(__dirname, 'utils/src/main/resources/js/')
                modules: [
            devtool: GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP ? 'source-map' : false,
            // ES5 to be compatible with IE11
            target: ['web', 'es5'],
            stats: {
                colors: true
            optimization: {
                minimize: MINIFIED,
                minimizer: MINIFIED ? [
                    // we specify a custom UglifyJsPlugin here to get source maps in production
                    new TerserPlugin({
                        parallel: true,
                        terserOptions: {
                            compress: true,
                            ecma: 5,
                            // We don't mangle, so we can have the correct variable names in stacktraces of customer reports
                            mangle: false,
                            ie8: false,
                            // We don't include a source-map, since I haven't found a way to display stacktraces
                            // with the original file's method name and line number anyway.
                            sourceMap: false
                ] : []
            plugins: [
                // This is the copy-webpack-plugin
                new CopyWebpackPlugin({
                    patterns: [
                            // Copy all other files, except .js, into the target directory
                            from: path.resolve(__dirname, `${this.pluginName}/src/main/resources`),
                            to: path.resolve(__dirname, `${this.pluginName}/target/classes`),
                            globOptions: {
                                ignore: [
                                    '**/atlassian-plugin.xml', // This one is transformed/copied by Maven.

        return config;

    isDirectory(pathToFile) {
        let stat = fs.statSync(pathToFile);
        return stat && stat.isDirectory();

    isJsFile(filename) {
        return filename.endsWith(".js");

    listJsFiles(pathToResource) {
        const files = fs.readdirSync(pathToResource);
        let results = {};
        files.forEach(file => {
            const pathToFileOrDir = pathToResource + '/' + file;
            if (this.isJsFile(file)) {
                results[path.parse(file).name] = pathToFileOrDir;
            } else if (this.isDirectory(pathToFileOrDir)) {
                results = Object.assign(results, this.listJsFiles(pathToFileOrDir));
        return results;

module.exports = {
    BundlerConfiguration: BundlerConfiguration

Hi @aragot, it looks like your code might be using some feature from the modern JS like async/await syntax or generator, I think.

There are few solutions you can apply:

You can also check this guide if you want to set up the plugin using the webpack and atlassian-webresource-webpack-plugin.

Maciej Adamczak
Atlassian Developer