How to use multiple velocity templates?

Hi, I am developing a plugin for jira-server.
Since plugin getting bigger, I put everything to a single velocity file and I want to divide it to several files.

  <web-resource key="aresTestManagementPlugin-resources" name="aresTestManagementPlugin Web Resources"> 
    <resource type="download" name="aresTestManagementPlugin.css" location="/css/aresTestManagementPlugin.css"/>  
    <resource type="download" name="aresTestManagementPlugin.js" location="/js/aresTestManagementPlugin.js"/>
    <resource type="download" name="run-dialog.js" location="/js/dialog.js"/>
    <resource type="velocity" name="view"  location="templates/run-dialog.vm"/>
    <resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>

  <web-panel name="TestManagementOverview"
    <description key="test-management-overview.description">The TestManagementOverview Plugin</description>  
    <context-provider class="com.trendyol.aresTestManagementPlugin.TestManagement"/>  
    <resource name="view" type="velocity" location="templates/test-management-overview.vm"/>
<resource name="view2" type="velocity" location="templates/run-dialog.vm"/>

and I want to use run-dialog.vm file in test-management-overview.vm like below


<div id="content">

But I got com.atlassian.templaterenderer.RenderingException: org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find resource 'run-dialog.vm' error. How can I properly use several velocity files for same view?

I use #parse("/templates/component-versions-plugin-header.vm") . But, don’t know the difference between #include and #parse. Maybe you need to give full path starting with “/”.

Hi @Erdemnta

You can use #parse like said @denizoguz
The #parse directive allows you to include the content of another Velocity Template file within your current template. This is useful for breaking down complex views into manageable parts.


You can also use #include
The #include directive is similar to #parse but is used for including raw files. It’s less commonly used for HTML content since #parse provides more functionality (variable interpolation). However, it can be useful for including non-Velocity files that don’t need processing.


In your case, you have to use #parse :smile:

Fabien [Elements]

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