How to use TypeScript with the generated ACE project

This may be a dumb question. I saw an announcement on this site that ACE supports TypeScript - ACE Typescript Type Declarations

But I cannot see any TypeScript files or TypeScript as dependency in package.json. Have I missed anything?

Hi @eagle.xiao ,

ACE declares its types in the file types/index.d.ts. This is also declared in its package.json file so these types should be automatically available to your typescript project dependent on ACE.

Check also that you’re using ACE version 6.2.3-1 or 6.3.0 or later.


Hi @dmorrow , thanks for your reply. I understand that the ACE project itself has typescript as devDependency. I am talking about the project generated with:

atlas-connect new <project_name>

More information:
atlas-connect version is 0.8.1
atlassian-connect-express version 7.11.0

Do I need to manually add typescript to the generated project?

Hi @eagle.xiao ,

Yes, a running atlas-connect new <project_name>, you will need to convert the project into a Typescript project by adding a tsconfig.json file, creating a dist direction, etc.
