How to work Confluence Cloud Add-on on Lambda?

Hi Atlassian developers,

I tried to develop my first webhooks add-on for Confluence Cloud. So I followed the tutorial here.
The example webhook add-on worked fromnpm start command on local devision. So I want to work the add-on on Lambda and install to my Confluence Cloud. But there is no documents for work webhook add-on on Lambdea.

Do you show me any examples?


Hi @eita_ishida,

We don’t have any documentation showing how to get a Confluence Connect app running on a AWS Lambdas, but most of the principles are the same as running on a regular server. I’ve found Google Firebase to be a good solution. They call their functions as a service solution “Google Cloud Functions”.


Thanks @dmorrow,

uhmm, I little sad to hear that, because i don’t know how to use GCS.
But I’ll try to work my add-on on “Google Cloud Functions”.
So What should I do next?
Need to change add-on’s config.js, atlassian-connect.json or any others?

I need your help, thanks.

You might appreciate parts of this blog post: Developing a JIRA add-on like it's 2016 - Atlassian Developer Blog

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Last year at Atlas Camp I remember there being a few talks discussing AWS Lambda.

Here’s a list of topics that touch on AWS Lambda (that might be helpful):

Here’s a talk that should give you a headstart: Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast: Develop an App Using AWS Lambda

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Thanks your advices!

These videos are little difficult to understand with my level of English, but these will be greay help for me!

Thanks, I knew there was one from Atlas Camp in 2018 I just couldn’t find it. :star: