How use jQuery in velocity file?

Hello everyone,

I make some simple custom field plugin. The field consists of a table with two columns in which you can add and remove rows. So, I have made button in edit.vm which have to add rows to table, like this:

<input value="Нажми меня" id = "buttonAdd" type="button" onclick=add()>

And it works, but I need to give each new cell its own unique id and I choose jQuery to do it. I made this script:

<script src="">
    var $ = jQuery;
    $(function () {

        $("#buttonAdd").click(function () {
            $("#mainTab").append("<tr><td> <input  type='text' name='2' value='' /> </td> <td><input  type='text' name='3' value='' /> </td></tr>")

<input value="Нажми меня" id = "buttonAdd" type="button">

It also work, you can see here, but it doesn’t work in Jira. Also I made another code whith jquery and onclick, it looks terrible but does the job:

<input value="Нажми меня" id = "buttonAdd" onclick='$("<tr><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"first_name2\" /></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"last_name2\"</td></tr>").appendTo($("#myTable"));' type="button">

But I still don’t know how give id to cells here. So the question is how to make jQuery work or how to make a unique id for every new cell in a table without jQuery. I’m new to web development and especially JS. I will be happy if you help me.


P.S. The whole code of edit.vm:

#customControlHeader ($action $ $ $fieldLayoutItem.required $displayParameters $auiparams)
#set ($field_uid = $
<table id='mainTab'>
    ## All input elements for this custom field should have a name of
    ## $ but each id should be unique

    <tr width="15%">

    #if ($value)
        #if ($issue.getKey())
            ## issue exists and has a key so the value is a transport of string values,
            ## not a transport object of the singular objects. We want more than just
            ## strings so access the transport object directly from the customfield

            #set ($carriers = $customField.getValue($issue))
            ## When this template is used to edit a default value then
            ## issue is a dummy with no key. Access the transport object via
            ## the configs variable.

            #set ($carriers = $configs.get("default"))

        #foreach ($carrier in $carriers)
            <tr width="15%">
                    <input id="${field_uid}-amount-${velocityCount}"
                           value="$carrier.getAmount()" />

                    <input id="${field_uid}-note-${velocityCount}"
                           value="$textutils.htmlEncode($carrier.getNote())" />


##let nodet = document.createElement('tr');
##let node = document.createElement('td');
##let node2 = document.createElement('td');

## node.innerHTML = "<input type='text' + name=\'+'tt'>";
##node2.innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='2'>";
## nodet.appendChild(node2);
<script src="">
    var $ = jQuery;
    $(function () {

        $("#buttonAdd").click(function () {
            $("#mainTab").append("<tr><td> <input  type='text' name='2' value='' /> </td> <td><input  type='text' name='3' value='' /> </td></tr>")

<input value="Нажми меня" id = "buttonAdd" onclick='$("<tr><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"first_name2\" /></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"last_name2\"</td></tr>").appendTo($("#myTable"));' type="button">
#customControlFooter ($action $ $fieldLayoutItem.fieldDescription $displayParameters $auiparams)