How will default privacy settings affect Jira apps?

@hlynur -

Yes, after profile visibility control settings roll out you will see a string presented in the display name field that corresponds to a user’s public name (aka nickname). The default public name is based off of a user’s full name, however, they can change this at any time. Similarly, avatar URLs will be the masked versions of the avatar which I believe appear as a colored background with the user’s initials.

The Jira user object is designed in such a way that you won’t be able to tell which version you are getting. The public name appears as a string in the DisplayName field. Similarly avatar URLs for unmasked and masked versions appear the same. I’ve included examples of the user object for both personal and managed accounts in the Guidelines for Testing Profile Visibility Controls.

We decided to make full name non-public because we wanted to provide a solution in line with our interpretation of applicable privacy laws. Users need to have control over their profile information and who that information is shared with. When an org admin claims a domain to form a managed account, they disable functionality that allows a user to change their display name and email address - in managed accounts these fields are controlled by the org admin. In order to provide functionality that allows a user to control their profile information we created the public name, which can be changed by an end user, and established default settings that would allow a user to control who their display name is shared with given that they cannot change their full name.

I am checking on this but I can’t imagine that it would be much different just looking at Jira. Atlassian Accounts are global, not product specific.