I can't login to forge

Hello @bentley ,

These request goes via user proxy from user desktop within most large organisation. In my case, ‘api.atlassian.com’ is allowed but with user proxy credentials.

I tried to set a proxy in node using below command, but facing same issue.
npm config set proxy user:password-userproxy.com:8080
npm config set https-proxy user:password-userproxy.com:8080

However, curl command over user proxy connects to the URL without any issue.
$ curl api.atlassian.com-graphql
$ curl: (6) Could not resolve host: api.atlassian.com
$ curl api.atlassian.com-graphql --proxy user:password-userproxy.com:8080 --insecure
$ It returns HTML code in response

Please suggest.

Note: Intentionally replaced actual URL with dash in it, because post was not allowed with more than 2 links :slight_smile:
