I do not succeed to run jira with service desk in AMPS

It is pretty simple really.
I do not succeed in running Jira with service desk installed in the AMPS.
I have followed the guide linked below thoroughly but I can’t find the solution to this problem.
I have added the jira service desk application in the pom.xml and recreated jar file as seen in the picture below for reference:
The jira service desk application is simply not showing up so I can’t create a service desk project in the test environment and test the jira service desk plugin I am building.

ATLAS Version:    8.0.7
ATLAS Home:       /usr/share/atlassian-plugin-sdk-8.0.7
ATLAS Scripts:    /usr/share/atlassian-plugin-sdk-8.0.7/bin
ATLAS Maven Home: /usr/share/atlassian-plugin-sdk-8.0.7/apache-maven-3.5.4
AMPS Version:     8.0.0



Since AMPS 8.0 the artifactId should be jira-maven-plugin . Might be worth doing atlas-clean when you’ve applied the changes.

I don’t know why it is jira-maven-plugin in the screenshot but actually I had already corrected this.

I managed to solve it by changing to correct jira servicedesk version and also adding jira software.

Link for reference of solution:


Thank you for the answer :slight_smile: