Hey! Hi, I want to call a API to create user (link: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-users/#api-rest-api-3-user-post ) from the documentation Jira Cloud platform REST API using the Oauth 2.0 access token as bearer authorization.
I have created a OAuth2.0 app and configured the permission for JIRA APIs and some other permissions too configured so that i can get a Access token using authorization code.
Using that access token I can able to call some APIs like get All Users, Get Audit logs …etc. but I can’t able to call the APIs such as create user and delete user.
I just want to know, is it possible to call the APIs such as create user and delete user using the Oauth2.0 access token? If yes please tell me the way . else no , give me a reason for that.