I want to tell you that I upgraded my Jira from version 7.9.0 to 7.9.2 and what heppened to my Add-on


I want to tell you that I upgraded my Jira from version 7.9.0 to 7.9.2 and my made Add-on not worked after the upgrade.

Also my Add-on was automatically updated to work in 7.9.2 on Atlassian Marketplace.

Matti Kiviharju

Hi @matti.kiviharju,

Did you ‘upgrade’ your Jira version in the pom.xml file? What was the problem and the relevant logs shown?

After the upgrade, what else was done (any terminal or command calls, or build configuration setup), that updated the Marketplace version?

Anne Calantog

As far as I know, the marketplace always updates the compatibility label to the latest patch level of the latest minor release, you support. Only the compatibility with the minor release you have to set on your own, in the marketplace settings of your app.


I got this error but I am already fixed the problem and updated my Add-on to Atlassian Marketplace:

	at com.google.common.collect.UnmodifiableIterator.remove(UnmodifiableIterator.java:43)

It was only that List-function not support unmodifiable iterator when the code is made to sort list of Jira projects to desc/asc-order.

I did not updated Jira version in pom.xml.