I would like to get users by each Atlassian service

Hi there!

I ‘m trying to get lists of user information by each service of Atlassian including Jira, Confluence, Trello, and Bitbacket.
Especially I would like to make it clear the connection between users in the organization and each service.

For instance, it’s the best if I can get info like following cases.

  • User A belongs to Jira and Confluence and Bitbacket
  • User B belongs to only Confluence
  • User C belongs to only Trello
  • User D belongs to Trello and Bitbacket etc.

So far having tried to get them by using /rest/api/3/users end point, however the response only contain the data of Jira and Confluence.

Is there any ways that I can get the list of users belong to a specific organization as a whole data, including service information?
Is it possible to get users list by each service separately?


@user16 welcome to the Atlassian developer community.

Is there any ways that I can get the list of users belong to a specific organization as a whole data, including service information?

Yes and no. Yes, it is possible to get a list of users belonging to a specific organization with the organizations API. No, it is not possible to include service information. We want to do that but this requires we fundamentally reconcile the IAM architectures across products, some of which have come to us through acquisition. It will take some time before we can answer what services a user can access.

Is it possible to get users list by each service separately?

Mostly, but not consistently. Most products do have an API resource for listing users. The specific paths and how they behave varies across all the products.

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@ibuchanan I understood.
Thanks so much for your reply!

Have a great day!