So when I send a get request to get the issue types through a browser:
with this link for example:
the response would be
"issuetype": {
"id": "10002",
"description": "A small, distinct piece of work.",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Task",
but when the response is returned through my custom ui app and i see the console it changes the response to:
issuetype: {
description: "Functionality or a feature expressed as a user goal."
iconUrl: ""
id: "10001"
name: "Story"
Did you notice that the iconUrl has different urls, one is my jira instance name ( and the other is ( How can I make the console change back to my jira instance name. Because I’m facing a problem when I try to export a pdf with these icons. The exported pdf does not show the icons, due to cors error.