Implementing MongoDB instead of a memory database in a development environment

Hello everyone,
For a development of a cloud ACE addon with Node.js I want to use a MongoDB database with mongoose adapter. From what I have read from documentation, we should change the section store in a config.json file, and also in store index.js file. Is this enough or are there another changes in the configuration that should be made? Just to note that I am testing the add-on in a development environment, and instead of memory database I want to test it now with no-memory database.
Can I have a little help on this?
Thank you
Cheers, Ivana


config.json only defines adapter and dialect as expected by sequelize. By default ACE uses sequelize as adapter and has MongoDB dialect support implemented (see node_modules/atlassian-connect-express/lib/store/mongodb.js).

If you want to use your own adapter - you will need to implement it and register during app bootstrapping using, factoryFn), where ace is variable which you have used to bootstrap ACE.

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