Increase limit of 25 environments per app

Hi all,

we are using custom environments for developing our Forge apps. Every developer uses their own custom environment to develop.
We noticed that there is a limit of 25 environments per app. Is it possible to increase this limit in general? If not would it be possible to increase it for a few specific apps where we currently run into problems with this maximum number of environments?


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Hi @TimZemlin,

We have a suggestion ticket for the same to bump this to 50. Will this limit work ? Please vote and watch this ticket [FRGE-1366] - Ecosystem Jira. Will be updating the progress here as we pick up.


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Hi @ChandanaMeka,

thank you for your quick answer. I voted for the ticket and hopefully this can be done soon. 50 would be a good start, but with something like 100 I think we will have no problems at all, even in the future.


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