We have our 1st plugin deployed the other day, and I am seeing request for install from this payload:
"key": "com.bit-booster.bb",
"clientKey": "i0o23l16-9iiu-4hke-462z-yia560tbgfb3",
"cloudId": "i0o23l16-9iiu-4hke-462z-yia560tbgfb3",
"sharedSecret": "csrt-fake-secret-ignore",
"baseUrl": "https://csrt-scanner-35001.atlassian.net",
"eventType": "installed",
"productType": "bitbucket",
"oauthClientId": "i0o23l16-9iiu-4hke-462z-yia560tbgfb3",
"description": "CSRT Signed-Install scanner, contact Atlassian EcoAppSec team for more info",
"serverVersion": "6452",
"pluginsVersion": "1.801.0"
What is this and should I just ignore them? Sorry if this is obvious, I never say this during the dev phase.
Thanks Robert