IntelliJ Integration with Atlassian SDK

Hello Atlassian Developer Community,

We are currently in the process of developing a Jira plugin using the IDE IntelliJ Community (Edition 2019.3.3) in collaboration with the Atlassian SDK (v8.0.16).
To make things clearer:

  1. We first installed the IDE.
  2. We then followed this tutorial Getting started in order to properly install the Atlassian SDK.
  3. We then proceeded to configure our IDE manually to point to the repository used by the SDK in order to import all the maven dependencies needed, as seen in this picture:
    In conclusion, we want to run/compile our Java code locally. Unfortunately, we are having some trouble creating an environment that will allow us to link our intelliJ with our localhost server and display the results we want locally.
    Here is a picture of our code and the errors:

    for more information, we are using the java jdk version: 1.8.0_241

Kind Regards,
