Introducing, the Atlassian product version overview

For those seeking a complete overview of the current versions of Atlassian server products, look no further. I present you! *

The goal is to create a single page which shows all current & archived versions (incl. EAP releases). For now it only lists current versions. In addition, it will be expanded with web hooks and e-mail/hipchat/slack/etc notification schemes to allow for automated updates as soon as an Atlassian product has been released.

Any suggestions, etc, can go in the comments!
BTW, the project will be open sourced asap to enable contributions.



*) My sincere apologies for the tongue-in-cheek name, just couldn’t resist myself.


Congrats and thank you. I’ve been searching for something like that :slight_smile:
And notifications for hipchat/slack/stride/etc sounds great.
love the name

Thanks Remie, this is awesome!