Invoke-JiraIssueTransition : error with accountId missing


I’m trying to use the JiraPS powershell module.

I have success to get issues, but I fail to update its status, here is my code (i’ve removed my , and i’m on a french computer so my errore messages are in french …)

I connect with my account, I can update the status on the web client.

$userName = ''
$userPassword = "fake api token"

[securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $userPassword -AsPlainText -Force
[pscredential]$jiraCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($userName, $secStringPassword)

Set-JiraConfigServer 'fake value'
New-JiraSession -Credential $jiraCreds

$issueNumber="fake value"
$issue=Get-JiraIssue $issueNumber
$transition = $issue.transition | Where-Object {$ -eq "Traiter le ticket"}
$issue | Invoke-JiraIssueTransition -Transition $ -Assignee $userName

The error message says :

Invoke-JiraMethod : Vous devez spécifier le paramètre de requête « accountId »
Au caractère C:\Users\myaccount\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\JiraPS\2.14.7\JiraPS.psm1:2860 : 34
+                     if ($users = Invoke-JiraMethod @parameter) {
+                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidResult : (:) [Invoke-JiraMethod], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidResponse.Status400,Invoke-JiraMethod

Can someone explain me what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you

Hello @OlivierGOURET

You haven’t advised if you’re making the request to Jira SERVER / DATA CENTER or Jira CLOUD. You’ve obfuscated the Set-JiraConfigServer variable’s value, so there is no way for us to know.

There are many threads on the topic of the JiraPS library having a few problems with Jira Cloud. Do you get the same result when:

  1. You use the PS native Invoke-RestMethod instead?
  2. You test the same request using a test tool like Postman?
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My URL is “” (i’m using the sandbox).

After sending my question, I saw that with “strict gdpr” mode I need to assign the issue using the accountId.
I tried the following code (using Invoke-JiraMethod) to first assign the issue, but it doesn’t assign the issue (it stays “Unassigned”)
(source: Cannot get or set assignee of issues · Issue #404 · AtlassianPS/JiraPS · GitHub)

$user=Invoke-JiraMethod "$username"
$accountIdObject = [pscustomobject]@{
    accountId = $user | select -ExpandProperty accountId
$fields = @{
    'assignee' = $accountIdObject
Set-JiraIssue -Issue $issueNumber -Fields $fields

Get-JiraIssue -Issue $issueNumber # -> **it stays "Unassigned"**

But it works using REST API in PostMan, so i’ll have to do it like that.

Thank you.

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At least you know the cause of the problem now.

This is one of the reasons I stopped using JiraPS, as it’s not being well maintained. I prefer to use the native Invoke-RestMethod and make my own functions around it. If the REST API specs change, I can quickly update my functions to match.


@OlivierGOURET hi, your post helped me a lot, here is how I modified it to make it work

                # Define the account ID for the assignee
                $accountId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

                # Construct a custom object for the assignee field
                $assigneeObject = @{
                    'accountId' = $accountId

                # Construct the fields object for setting the assignee
                $fields = @{
                    'assignee' = $assigneeObject

                # Update the issue with the specified fields
                Set-JiraIssue -Issue $Issue.key -Fields $fields

Where “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” is the account ID which you can find after accessing your “Account” in t jira cloud top right corner and select “Profile”
Check the link in your browser
Everything you will get after “people” is your account ID.
Hope this will help you.

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