Is there a way to invoke the Rovo agent apart from the chat option and directly from the code?
hi Nikhil, short answer is No, rovo:agent
modules are not invokable but its actions are invokable only by the agent that defines it in manifest. Do you mind sharing the use case?
My usecase is to generate a summary of the comments and add the summary as a comment itself. This definitely can be done using the chat window but I want to just have a button on the top of jira which says generate summary and clicking on that the action should be invoked and the comment should be added
At least a button that opens the chat with a selected agent would be nice.
For our use case, we aim to collect user feedback. To achieve this, we plan to add entry points, such as an issue action or a feature on a custom dashboard, which will open a chat interface for users to share their opinions interactively.