.ipynb Rendering?

I just moved to a new company where I was using Github and in the new company am now using Bitbucket.

Found a couple of old posts and tickets about rendering .ipynb in Bitbucket repos. The comments are definitive.

Question: Does Bitbucket Cloud have a plug-in to render .ipynb?

Looking for info here before I bug my admins.

Yes, in the Marketplace you can find one: https://bitbucket.org/integrations/cloud under Notebook Viewer:

A FileView addon that renders ipython notebooks in the Bitbucket source view.

Thank you for the reply.

The admins claim for our Bitbucket Cloud account say the option is not available.

Frustrating architecture. I’ll reach out to support at Atlassian.

To be clear, this is where they see the list of add-ons:

I just installed it into a secondary workspace, so it is still available. It’s also possible your admins are concerned about 3rd party javascript exfiltrating content, ie a security concern but that’s a separate issue and you’d hope they’d be honest enough to say so.

In other work I’ve looked at adding a mermaid plugin - the current one in the marketplace is broken, as Atlassian now requires a POST to be done to register a plugin. The POST just sends a doc for installed and uninstalled and then a working implementation returns 200.

I tested a fix where I threw up a quick API endpoint in AWS using CDK and successfully registered the mermaid add-on. (Sorry, not for public use, at least not yet).

Confirming that this is for Bitbucket Cloud?