Is anyone else having an issue with forge tunnel?

Seems to be timing out for me. verbose gives me: Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Tunnel provider: Cloudflare
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

:arrow_forward: GraphQL GraphQL Gateway
mutation forge_cli_setupApplicationTunnel($input: RegisterTunnelInput!) {
registerTunnel(input: $input) {
errors {
extensions {

Variables: {
“input”: {
“appId”: “ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/c2c31184-4bc2-4d73-b8a3-7a2c245ab7ae”,
“environmentKey”: “default”
:arrow_backward: GraphQL
Request ID: 86004785af684700bce4dee4cd677e65
Result: {
“registerTunnel”: {
“success”: true,
“errors”: null,
“tunnelId”: “6e2ca122-ab37-434d-9201-50ed25dc5cc9”,
“tunnelUrl”: “
:arrow_forward: GraphQL GraphQL Gateway
mutation forge_cli_deleteApplicationTunnels($input: DeleteAppTunnelInput!) {
deleteAppTunnels(input: $input) {
errors {
extensions {

Variables: {
“input”: {
“appId”: “ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/c2c31184-4bc2-4d73-b8a3-7a2c245ab7ae”,
“environmentKey”: “default”
:arrow_backward: GraphQL
Request ID: d366d249a0ef4070943275d831827d43
Result: {
“deleteAppTunnels”: {
“success”: true,
“errors”: null

Error: Please check for any network restrictions that may be blocking the cloudflared package installation, and then reinstall the Forge CLI.
Alternatively, you can install cloudflared on your machine.

Error: Please check for any network restrictions that may be blocking the cloudflared package installation, and then reinstall the Forge CLI.
Alternatively, you can install cloudflared on your machine.
at CloudflareCreateTunnelService.establishTunnel (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\node_modules@forge\tunnel\out\services\create-tunnel-service.js:77:23)
at async StartTunnelCommand.startFaaSTunnelServer (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\node_modules@forge\tunnel\out\command\start-tunnel-command.js:47:31)
at async StartTunnelCommand.execute (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\node_modules@forge\tunnel\out\command\start-tunnel-command.js:89:38)
at async (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\service\tunnel-service.js:66:28)
at async (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\command-line\controller\tunnel-controller.js:38:20)
at async C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\command-line\register-tunnel-commands.js:15:9
at async Command.actionProcessor (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\command-line\command.js:252:28)
at async Command.parseAsync (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\node_modules\commander\lib\command.js:936:5)
at async Command.parse (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\command-line\command.js:154:13)
at async main (C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@forge\cli\out\command-line\index.js:53:5)

Also, forge deploy running extremely slow.

Yes, I’m having trouble. The following message appears:

Error: Please check for any network restrictions that may be blocking the cloudflared package installation, and then reinstall the Forge CLI.
Alternatively, you can install cloudflared on your machine.

… which is fine, except that I don’t know how to unblock it on my Windows machine. Do I really have to install cloudflared on my machine? I haven’t had any trouble until I installed the latest version of Forge CLI.

I also think it was the latest forge CLI that caused this. I’ll know for sure tomorrow when I get on my 2nd machine with the older version to make sure that still works.

Following the instructions did actually solve the problem. Crazy days!

I installed cloudflared on my Windows machine with the following command:

winget install --id Cloudflare.cloudflared

Then I had to open a new cmd window (I guess cloudflared modifies the path environment variable) before running the forge tunnel again. I now see this message:

Establishing forge tunnel with the local cloudflared binary

And that appears to be good. I do feel a bit dirty though: installing more stuff on my machine that I don’t understand to make other stuff work - yucky.

Hi all, sorry there has been an issue with the latest release of the CLI where we attempted to unblock Forge CLI installation when the installation cloudflare fails, allowing for the binary to be installed manually after the installation (changelog).

Unfortunately there was an issue with our implementation, which caused the dependency to not be installed at all. We are currently looking at a fix and in the meantime we have reverted the latest tag for the CLI to point back to version 10.13.4.

Sorry about the inconvenience.


HI all,

Forge Tunnel issue is now resolved, please upgrade to version: 10.13.6

We apologise for the inconvenience caused.


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