Is creating a Theme for Confluence Cloud still possible?

@ShaluPandey can you provide any details of broadly what theming will be supported?

Hi @james.dellow , I will have more definition once we start the design work in Q1. I can update this thread at that time.

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Any updates on when theming would be ready for Confluence Cloud?

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Hi @ShaluPandey

any updates on this topic? We have the same issues as @anon21166111.

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Any Updates? @ShaluPandey would really like to get an answer!

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Hi @ShaluPandey

Our organization has been postponing the migration to cloud in part awaiting resolution of the “theme problem”. Like others on this thread we rely on themes to conceal controls and format anonymous facing help content and outreach. We’d like to keep using Confluence but we really need your guidance on if / how you will support the theme functionality we rely on in the server environment. Thanks in advance for your update.


It seems that Atlassian has abandoned the ability of theming Confluence? Or could someone please give an update?

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Hello-- any update on this from Atlassian? I see two timelines from different PMs above, but I’m stumbling on this in late 2023. The API docs are still misleading and cloud theme customization is not available. Marketplace solutions like Refined and Karma are not desirable for large teams… it gets quite expensive for something that should be doable out of the box. Is there a near-future plan to allow cloud theme customization? Thinking if no, may need to export docs from confluence, convert with pandoc to markdown, then use a static-site generator for free and abandon confluence. Thanks for any insight

After Atlassian’s latest announcement, it seems that theming isn’t a priority at the moment. Instead, they are focusing on offering formatting macros: