Is it possible to add records to the Jira Audit Log (ACE)?

Hi, community.
Is there any possibility to add records into the Jira Audit Log by the ACE addon? I see that it’s possible for Confluence, but for Jira, it seems only one API endpoint for Audit: * Get audit records.
Maybe I’m missing something? It would be amazing to get any information about that.

Appreciate your time. Kindest regards,
Igor Piskunov

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Hi @piskunovigorm,

As you said, it looks like you can currently only get audit records from Jira Cloud.

The Confluence Cloud endpoints that would allow you to add records to the audit log actually can’t be used by apps though:

Connect apps cannot access this REST resource.

And it’s been like that for quite a while. So, I guess, chances are that this isn’t going to become available in the near future.



Hi @piskunovigorm -
I’m the PM working on Audit Logs for Atlassian Cloud - while I can’t answer definitively for the existing Jira Audit Log (the in-product version, not the Org Audit Log) since it’s owned by Jira, I think it’s extremely unlikely that the API will allow audit events to be POSTed to the log. For the org audit log, we absolutely do not plan on every offering such a capability.

I understand there might be a desire for extensibility here (I was a dev before I went to product), but I want to emphasize that a strong audit record should be immutable. Any capability allowing modification of audit logs risks compromising the integrity of the record, which is why all forward-facing work in audit logs does not allow this capability. We recommend to customers that want to combine or otherwise modify audit logs do so in their own systems after retrieving them via API from us.