Is there a license key parameter for Jira Datacenter?

Hi all,

I am trying to automate Jira Datacenter deployments for standing up a new cluster, as well as adding/removing nodes to an existing cluster.

Official documentation suggests its possible and provide some basic info such as using a response.varfile and using dbconfig.xml and such. However none of this documentation actually makes note of all of the environment variables, parameters, configuration options, etc. to perform this scripted installation and configuration.

I did some digging online and various posts and repositories trying to accomplish this, but many are hacky and not acceptable for prod usage. I did actually find 2 repositories using containers and ansible by atlassian to mostly accomplish this task… but still would require some manual human intervention to complete aspects of the installation and configuration.

The repos in question are:

From what the documentation and code suggests is that you can use these configuration files such as dbconfig.xml to configure various configuration settings for your instance. But more interesting is that they primarily use environment variables to accomplish this and make note of a way to handle license key input and briefly suggest it will bypass the web setup.

For bitbucket and confluence, it looks like I can use " ATL_LICENSE_KEY " which is detailed as “Providing this will remove the need to supply it through the web startup screen.” But for Jira, it does not provide this information of how to handle license key input. Nor did I have any success in utilizing these variables to by pass the web setup screen.

I was wondering if anyone else had any information on this topic on how to accomplish this. Is there a parameter or environment variable to use for this? Or some sort of config file to provide my license key without having to go through the web setup?

I have exhausted my resources and have tried contacting support and they don’t have any insight at all.

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Hello Nicholas,
it seems like you’re right! For Jira, the documentation doesn’t explicitly mention a way to bypass the web setup screen using an environment variable like ATL_LICENSE_KEY 3.

To add or update a license key in Jira, you typically need to:

  1. Log in as a user with Jira System Administrator permissions.
  2. Go to Administration > Applications.
  3. On the Versions & Licenses page, find the newly installed app.
  4. Select Paste license and enter the license key.
  5. Click Update license to save your changes.

I set up a jira cluster on aws using “windows for docker” and terraform by using a config-file (dcapt.tfvars) where the jira-product key is stored.

Documentation found in the README.MD-File

Maybe it helps.

Best regards

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