Hi, we are developing a web-item in jira and through servlet we have created a form in order to create jira project from shared one.
The problem we have:
- Duplicated the project (but it has no configuration)
- Duplicated the original Worfkflow scheme
- Duplicated the original Issue type screen scheme
But we miss the Issue type scheme in order to complete the duplication:
WorkflowSchemeManager workflowSchemeManager = ComponentAccessor.getWorkflowSchemeManager();
WorkflowScheme workflowScheme = workflowSchemeManager.getWorkflowSchemeObj( workflowSchemeId );
IssueTypeScreenSchemeManager issueTypeScreenSchemeManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager();
IssueTypeScreenScheme issueTypeScreenScheme = issueTypeScreenSchemeManager.getIssueTypeScreenScheme( issueTypeScreenSchemeId );
IssueTypeSchemeManager issueTypeSchemeManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueTypeSchemeManager();
IssueTypeScheme IS MISSING
the closest thing we did is get all single types:
Collection issueTypeSchemeId = issueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject( selectedProject );
So how can we retrieve the original Issue Type scheme?