Java plugin, Page decorator value for project settings page in JIRA


My plugin adds a new tab under project settings page in JIRA. When I click the OPTION that is newly added, I want to render a SOY template.

Here is the META, am using …

**<meta charset="utf-8"/>**
**<meta name="decorator" content="admin">**
**<meta name="" content="atl.jira.proj.config"/>**
**<meta name="" content="#project-configuration-item"/>**

at present the page is loading on Site Admins page.

I am using the web sections and web-items on atlassian-plugin.xml.

**<web-section key="project-configuration-section" location="atl.jira.proj.config" weight="300">**
**  </web-section>**
**<web-item key="project-configuration-item" section="atl.jira.proj.config/project-configuration-section">**
**		<description>XYZ APP</description>**
**		<label>XYZ</label>**
**        <link linkId="configuration_area">/plugins/servlet/xxxxxxxx?projectKey=$project.key#/project-settings</link>**
**  </web-item>**

I am expecting the output something like below image.

Does anyone has any Idea?
I am using the JIRA server version 9.12.0.


Hi @ sfbehnke,
Please help me on this.
