Java script is not working when upgraded to 9.4.11 from v8. Can anyone suggest a solution to resolve this issue

Java script is not working when upgraded to 9.4.11 from v8. Can anyone suggest a solution to resolve this.

There were changes listed here that affected the ways scripts were loaded:

App header updates & introducing deferred scripts to some Jira pages

To speed up the loading of the App header and improve overall Jira performance, we’re now deferring JavaScript resources on the following pages :

  • Issue View: <your Jira URL>/browse/ISSUEKEY-1
  • Project-centric Issue Navigator: <your Jira URL>/projects/MNSTR/issues/ISSUEKEY-1?filter=allopenissues
  • Global Issue Navigator: <your Jira URL>issues/?jql=
  • Dashboard (including system dashboard): <your Jira URL>/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=1

For example, in the Annoucement Banner I added defer to make the script work as it did prior to Jira 9. I’m not sure what your specific case is, but hopefully that will point you in the right direction.

<script type="module" defer>

    var $banner = AJS.$('#announcement-banner');
    var $header = AJS.$('#header');
