Javascript JQL Validation


i am writing a custom app that uses Jira’s Rest API to search for Issues.

I am able to search after issues using a JQL Query, but i can’t find a way to validate the Query like the searchbar in Jira itself can do.

Do you know a way i can accomplish that in my custom app?



I think you are looking for a JQL auto-complete feature and I’m not aware how to implement it.

If you would only want to validate if is this a valid JQL you can check for the
Search REST AṔI response code. If the it return 400 it means that the JQL query is invalid and you can display a message to end user.

I hope someone from community can assist you with the auto-complete part :smiley:


Hello @italo.qualisoni !

Your solution is great! I was hoping for some validator function that i can implement directly in my code to reduce ajax calls, but i will live with the cost… :smiley:


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Great that it helped! Can you make my previous comment as solution for this question?


Yes sorry it took so long :sweat_smile:

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