Jira 8.3 EAP 02 is up for grabs!

With this EAP you can already test all the cool 8.3 features. And they come in droves: bundled AdoptOpenJDK 8, support for Oracle 12c Release 2, new API to facilitate GDPR management, and many more.

Learn about all of them from our documentation page and then download the EAP here.

If you’re using maven.atlassian.com, make sure you get 8.3.0-m0003.

Should you have any comments, add them to this post.
Happy testing!


Thank you very much for announcing that.

Is there any more documentation around the GDPR changes in addition to this blog post? GDPR changes in Jira | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation

I’m interested to know more technical details and maybe a timeline of when these changes will appear as features in the UI.


These are all valid questions. For now, we are still working on the exact timeline for introducing the changes to the UI however, first, we want to concentrate on developing the API supporting GDPR.

Code Barrel starting on this work now.
One of the trickier parts is going to be JQL strings (as it was in Cloud GDPR work).
As you will need to do this work internally, are you able to provide an API that for a given JQL string, provides a list of users and also another method for substitution.
I’d imagine we are not the only one who stores JQL as config and something like this would make a lot of vendors lives easier.


Hey Nick,
we have com.atlassian.query.PersonalDataInQueryFindingService that returns the info whether a passed JQL contains personal data of a given user. The mentioned service returns three values - YES, NO and MAYBE (in the case when sth resembles personal data but might not be such).
However, for now, there is no plan to extend this service.