What is the correct way to search for a project’s resources using the url: /rest/api/3/search
Hey @BrunoLima,
The /rest/api/3/search
endpoint is deprecated and scheduled for removal in May this year. You should refrain from using it. You can achieve the same functionality with the new endpoint. You can read more about this deprecation here.
Regarding your question, what do you mean by “project’s resources”? Are you looking for issues belonging to a specific project? If so, you can set the appropriate JQL to find such issues. For example:
curl -X POST --location 'https://example.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search/jql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Some AUTH HEADER' \
--data '{
"jql": "project = EXAMPLE"
So in this case I would like to know how to return the tasks of a given project using the Key key, I am doing this but I get the 400 error as if the key I am forwarding from my project was wrong, Request error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://oneinsight.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search,
I’m using Python code to do this. I just wanted to know how to return all the tasks for a given project and their details, such as expected hours.