Jira Cloud App - Marketplace Automatic Update

Hi guys,

I have a few questions regarding automatic version update of my Jira Cloud app, listed on marketplace. According to the documentation:

Any change to your service that does not alter your app descriptor will be immediately available to users and will not result in a new version on Marketplace.

Then, it says:

We automatically increment the version for your app as follows:

  • The major version is incremented (e.g., from 1.2.3 to 2.0.0) when you specify an API version update (e.g., from 1.0 to 2.0). The new major version matches the API version listed in your descriptor.
  • The minor version is incremented (e.g., from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0) when you specify increase/changed scopes, and/or when you update licensing from free to paid. Customers must manually approve updates for minor version updates.
  • The micro version is incremented (e.g., from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4) when you make any other descriptor changes not included above that do not require manual approval.


These scenarios require manual customer approval:

  • Your listing changes from free to paid : Your change triggers a Marketplace approval. Existing customers need to approve the change to start paying for your app, otherwise they will need to uninstall it.
  • Your listing involves additional scopes: Marketplace updates happen automatically (no approval necessary), but customers need to approve the changes to continue using your app.

So, summing up:

  • if I do not change my descriptor, there is no new version created on marketplace and the app is immediately consumed by our customers.
  • Only in the case of changing scopes or licensing, there is an automatic version created on the marketplace (a minor version) that requires manual approve from our customers.

So, I assume that if I change a panel label from a module (for instance), it wouldn’t request our users to manually update. It would be an automatic update on our customers instance as well.

However, apparently there are some customers who are required to manual update the app when every time there is a new version released on the marketplace (even if the new version does not update neither scopes or licensing).

So, I have several questions:
The documentation is wrong and every descriptor update requires manual approve?
What about this particular case? When a new version is released but there are no changes on scopes or licensing but there is the “Update” button in the manage apps page. If the customer does not perform any action, the app is updated automatically?

Best Regards,

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Hi @luis.gomes,

In your case (the minor change in the descriptor that should not require a manual update), all customers should be updated automatically within a few hours (I believe 6 hours is/was mentioned somewhere in documentation).

However, after a few years of experience, I can say that for some reason it does not work this way for all customers.

I have contacted Atlassian and Vendors support a few times but without any clear answer explaining why it happens. Eventually, after a longer period of time (~3 weeks) all customer are usually migrated/updated.

I struggle with exactly the same problem now. We have released a new version that does not require manual update three weeks ago. Nevertheless, I can still see that there are requests to the URLs specified in the descriptor of the previous version, which clearly indicates that some Jiras still hold the old descriptor.

I hope it helps.


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Hi @luis.gomes.
Despite @jack excellent response, I would suggest to inform support team about your issue in order to try to reduce the possibility of such issues in the future.

Hey @jack!

Actually, I’ve noticed that apps are automatically updated without any action.

I’ve created this discussion so I could understand if there was someone else seeing the same behaviour (and apparently is).

We are facing exactly the same. We released a new version a week ago, and we can still see requests from the previous version.


hey @piskunovigorm

I will :slight_smile:

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