Jira Cloud Get Screens AND Tabs

Is there a way to get Screen Tabs while fetching Screens? I would expect an expand, but none exists.

I need to associate a custom field to a list of screens (technically, you must associate a field to a screen TAB). The problem is I need to first get a list of all screens, THEN get the tabs for each of those screens. It becomes expensive as the list of screens grows.

Here is the REST call for fetching screens:


Here is the REST call for fetching screen tabs:


Thank you,

Hi @ross,

After double-checking the public documentation, I was not able to see a suitable REST API to address the specific use case you mentioned. That said, I created a feature suggestion on your behalf (see here for more information). I believe it will be beneficial in reducing calls and help with rate-limiting that might be encountered down the road, thanks.


Great @iragudo , thank you!