Jira Custom UI application with two entry points

I’m rewriting my UI Kit 2 application to use Cusotom UI. It has two modules, Jira Issue panel and Jira project settings.
Now I don’t know how to setup my project, that is based on examples (uses Create React App), to support both modules.
In my old UI Kit 2 application I had two resources with two different starting pages (one for issue panel and one for the settings).
But Create React App supports only one entry point and I don’t know how to configure my manifest.yml.
UI modifications example (Bitbucket) has a setup with two different CRA apps, but that is not an option for me because I have shared code between project settings and issue panel.


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I have implemented this functionality now, by reading the module key from the context, and displaying the settings or issue panel component depending on the module key.
I don’t find that elegan but didn’t find any other way to do it

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