I am trying to set text field default value instead of the form default value because I need to load value asynchronously. Once the value is retrieved the UI is loaded with default value. This is working as expected.
Issue: When user goes to config form the second time the UI load previously set value. Without making any changes in the form if the user clicks on the submit it throw validation error “This field is required”. However, if user makes any changes on the form it works as expected.
Setting default value on the fields is not recognized by the form.
Code sample:
const { handleSubmit, register, getFieldId, formState } = useForm(config); //form
const [customFilterValue, setCustomFilterValue] = useState(''); // default value
const [isFilterValueSet, setFilterValue] = useState(false); // bool to load UI after default value is set
useEffect(() => {
invoke('getStorageValue', {storageKey: 'customFilterValue'}).then((result) => {
}, [customFilterValue]);
const configureGadget = async (data) => {....};
return (
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(configureGadget)}>
<Label labelFor={getFieldId("customFilterValue")}>
Filter name <RequiredAsterisk />
{isFilterValueSet &&
<Textfield {...register("customFilterValue", { required: true })} defaultValue={customFilterValue} />
{formState.errors.customFilterValue && (
<ErrorMessage>This field is required</ErrorMessage>
<Button appearance="primary" type="submit">