Jira devinfo api


Using my api key and basic authentication I made this API call from POSTMAN and I get the following error:

Endpoint: api.atlassian.com/jira/devinfo/0.1/cloud/7be41081-3d70-4ef0-9a6d-87ba6425cc85/repository/697138717

“code”: 401,
“message”: “Unauthorized”

I am an admin on my Jira…

Then I tried to call the same API with a bearer (OAuth) token and I get the following error:
“errorMessages”: [
“message”: “The request failed: Provider ‘OAuthClientId(value=YbxDeSvs8LGdfFWqTyoqvpy1kNTlELIU)’ not installed in any installation context ‘[ari:cloud:jira::global/, ari:cloud:platform::card/, ari:cloud:jira::site/7be41081-3d70-4ef0-9a6d-87ba6425cc85, ari:cloud:graph::workspace/af5d7e37-75b8-4c24-a96e-8a861d68dd16]’ for type ‘DEVELOPMENT_INFO’”

My app’s Oauth scope is this:
read:jira-user read:jira-work write:jira-work read:project:jira offline_access read:jql:jira read:issue-details:jira read:board-scope:jira-software read:sprint:jira-software write:sprint:jira-software manage:jira-data-provider read:dev-info:jira

I think the scopes are correct…

and this is happening for all the dev apis…

WHich raises the question:

  1. Dont api tokens work with devinfo apis? Will only oauth work?
  2. Even with oauth why do i get this error? whats wrong here?

My idea is to get the environment to which I am doing a particular deployment and thats not something I am getting via either /rest/dev-status/latest/issue/details?issueId=17783 or /rest/dev-status/latest/issue/summary?issueId=17783

I am getting it via this call but I am not sure whether I can go ahead and use it… can you please confirm?

curl --location ‘cubyts.atlassian.net/jsw/graphql?operation=DevDetailsDialog
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: Basic ’
–data ‘{
“operationName”: “DevDetailsDialog”,
“query”: “\n query DevDetailsDialog ($issueId: ID!) {\n developmentInformation(issueId: $issueId){\n \n details {\n instanceTypes {\n id\n name\n type\n typeName\n isSingleInstance\n baseUrl\n devStatusErrorMessages\n repository {\n name\n avatarUrl\n description\n url\n parent {\n name\n url\n }\n branches {\n name\n url\n createReviewUrl\n createPullRequestUrl\n lastCommit {\n url\n displayId\n timestamp\n }\n pullRequests {\n name\n url\n status\n lastUpdate\n }\n reviews {\n state\n url\n id\n }\n }\n commits{\n id\n displayId\n url\n createReviewUrl\n timestamp\n isMerge\n message\n author {\n name\n avatarUrl\n }\n files{\n linesAdded\n linesRemoved\n changeType\n url\n path\n }\n reviews{\n id\n url\n state\n }\n }\n pullRequests {\n id\n url\n name\n branchName\n branchUrl\n lastUpdate\n status\n author {\n name\n avatarUrl\n }\n reviewers{\n name\n avatarUrl\n isApproved\n }\n }\n }\n danglingPullRequests {\n id\n url\n name\n branchName\n branchUrl\n lastUpdate\n status\n author {\n name\n avatarUrl\n }\n reviewers{\n name\n avatarUrl\n isApproved\n }\n }\n buildProviders {\n id\n name\n url\n description\n avatarUrl\n builds {\n id\n buildNumber\n name\n description\n url\n state\n testSummary {\n totalNumber\n numberPassed\n numberFailed\n numberSkipped\n }\n lastUpdated\n references {\n name\n uri\n }\n }\n }\n }\n deploymentProviders {\n id\n name\n homeUrl\n logoUrl\n deployments {\n displayName\n url\n state\n lastUpdated\n pipelineId\n pipelineDisplayName\n pipelineUrl\n environment {\n id\n type\n displayName\n }\n }\n }\n featureFlagProviders {\n id\n createFlagTemplateUrl\n linkFlagTemplateUrl\n featureFlags {\n id\n key\n displayName\n providerId\n details{\n url\n lastUpdated\n environment{\n name\n type\n }\n status{\n enabled\n defaultValue\n rollout{\n percentage\n text\n rules\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n remoteLinksByType {\n providers {\n id\n name\n homeUrl\n logoUrl\n documentationUrl\n actions {\n id\n label {\n value\n }\n templateUrl\n }\n }\n types {\n type\n remoteLinks {\n id\n providerId\n displayName\n url\n type\n description\n status {\n appearance\n label\n }\n actionIds\n attributeMap {\n key\n value\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n embeddedMarketplace {\n shouldDisplayForBuilds,\n shouldDisplayForDeployments,\n shouldDisplayForFeatureFlags\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n }”,
“variables”: {
“issueId”: “17783”

I am perfectly happy If i get the environment to which the deployment has been done…

Hi @YadhuS ,

The documentation for the given REST API endpoint is indeed confusing since, even if it is providing the link to the right documentation page, it is not mentioning that you need to actually follow a different procedure than the one to create Oauth2 apps:

For more details on integrating Jira Software Cloud with on-premises tools using OAuth 2.0 credentials, see Integrating Jira Software Cloud with on-premises tools.

Indeed, the OAuth 2.0 credentials (client ID and secret) to authenticate calls against the below endpoints have to be created in Jira by following the steps provided in the linked documentation page and not in the developer console:

For further details and instructions please review:

I hope this clarifies.
