Jira Editor in the app

Hi there!

I would be really grateful if you let me know whether it’s possible to use the native Jira Editor in the app? If so, where to find detail on how to implement this?

Thank you a lot in advance.

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If this is what you mean, then yes: Editor Core. But it’s a pain in the arse to implement. If you’re using webpack you’ll need to add resolutions for prosemirror and there’s an IntlProvider bug that nobody knows how to fix.


Thank you a lot for the advice! I’ll pass this information on to our developer. I probably ask too much, but I dare wonder what workaround has worked out for you?

Depends what you’re using, but for me the error I got was RangeError: Adding different instances of a keyed plugin which turned out to be multiple versions of prosemirror.

So you run yarn list --pattern prosemirror

Then you force specific versions in your package.json like this:

"resolutions": {
  "prosemirror-model": "1.16.1",
  "prosemirror-state": "1.4.0",
  "prosemirror-transform": "1.4.2",
  "prosemirror-view": "1.23.2"

Then this is the non-blocking error in the console which I and others don’t know how to fix: [React Intl] Could not find required intl object.

Oh and all of the dropdown functionality is broken so you’ll need to override the toolbar component.

Absolute nightmare of a developer platform this is. Good luck.


I’ll definitely make an update on this when we try to test it. Thank you so much again. You really helped us a lot!