Depends what you’re using, but for me the error I got was RangeError: Adding different instances of a keyed plugin
which turned out to be multiple versions of prosemirror.
So you run yarn list --pattern prosemirror
Then you force specific versions in your package.json like this:
"resolutions": {
"prosemirror-model": "1.16.1",
"prosemirror-state": "1.4.0",
"prosemirror-transform": "1.4.2",
"prosemirror-view": "1.23.2"
Then this is the non-blocking error in the console which I and others don’t know how to fix: [React Intl] Could not find required intl object.
Oh and all of the dropdown functionality is broken so you’ll need to override the toolbar component.
Absolute nightmare of a developer platform this is. Good luck.