Jira Integration in iOS application - Auth problem


I’m trying to integrate Jira into my iOS app and I’ve been having a difficult time getting the auth to work. Anytime I try to sign in, I get a page saying:

## Hmm... We're having trouble logging you in.

We're having trouble logging you in. There seems to be an issue with your identity provider. Wait a few moments, then try again.

[Try logging in again](https://id.atlassian.com/login)

On the Developer console, I have added my app, set its distribution status to sharing, set the scopes, enabled the OAuth 2.0 3LO (I set the url callback to https://my_app_name).

On Xcode, I have added a url type that corresponds to my_app_name.

When I make a call to auth.atlassian.com/authorize, I’m supplying as query items:

  • audience = api.atlassian.com

  • scope = “read:jira-work”

  • redirect_uri = “my_app_name://auth”

  • state = UUID string

  • response_type = code

  • prompt = consent

I’m not really sure what to do at this point. Any help would be appreciated.

In the developer console > Authorization > Configure OAuth 2.0 (3LO), why do you require developers to use a callback url that starts with https? What about iOS developers who want to use url types as a way to get a callback?