I am using the issue id (column ID from jiraissue table) to sort an issue links (in the Issue View) by creation date of the linked issues, since in the table the id of the rows comes with the issue id of the linked issue.
This worked in Server, but I notice that in DataCenter (with 2 nodes), the secuence is not increasing, meaning that an issue created later got a lesser id than an issue created earlier.
I guess that’s why the Jira DC database schema documentation says this…
Notes about working with the Jira database
Direct database queries are not recommended in Jira. Instead, we recommend querying, adding or modifying data via Jira’s REST APIs.
…and why there are so many articles advising of all the pitfalls of querying the database directly.
I am not querying DB, I am using tinysort.js to sort the links but that is failing because now the issue ids are not in increasing secuence as it should. I showed the query above just to prove my point.
You said “I am using the issue id (column ID from jiraissue table)”.
You specifically used the words column ID and jiraissue table which directly implied you were querying a column in a database table directly.
If are now saying you are using some browser side JS to alter the DOM and re-sort issue links on one of Jira’s GUI pages, then good luck to you. I can be of no further assistance to you on that topic.
As for the main issue of why it seems to you that sequential issue IDs have apparently non-sequential creation times, I suggest you research the general topic of how node synchronization and indexing works within a DC cluster.