Jira issues suddenly misses "parent" field

In my own jira application I was filtering issues by epic by checking the “parent” field

issues[issue].fields.parent // = Epic

but this field suddenly disappeared.

Is this a mistake/error somewhere in the api or will this be removed forever?
Without the parent it is impossible to connect issues to their epics.

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @ThomasEhmann,

How odd. That sounds like the deprecation notice about hierarchy levels; however, that notice was about 1 November 2021 and was eventually cancelled. As such, that certainly sounds like a bug, not a permanent removal.

I tried to get fields paginated using GET /rest/api/3/field/search?expand=key,lastUsed,screensCount,contextsCount,isLocked,searcherKey&query=parent and my instance responds:

  "maxResults": 50,
  "startAt": 0,
  "total": 2,
  "isLast": true,
  "values": [
      "id": "parent",
      "name": "Parent",
      "description": "",
      "key": "parent",
      "isLocked": false,
      "screensCount": 0,
      "contextsCount": 0,
      "lastUsed": {
        "type": "NOT_TRACKED"
      "id": "customfield_10016",
      "name": "Parent Link",
      "schema": {
        "type": "any",
        "custom": "com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-parent",
        "customId": 10016
      "key": "customfield_10016",
      "isLocked": true,
      "searcherKey": "com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-parent-searcher",
      "screensCount": 0,
      "contextsCount": 1,
      "lastUsed": {
        "type": "NOT_TRACKED"

What is the full context of your request? Which API endpoint?

The parent field is still gone.

In my app I’m fetching all issues, then I group them by project and then I want to show the epic data of the issues.
This was easy until now, since the “parent” field had all the information I needed. Now that’s impossible.

From the endpoints, I only used


to get all issues.

From there I just designed everything out of the data structure from the issues. And in this issue data structure, there was a field called parent, which carried all the information about the epic.

The parent field in the data structure is just gone.

It’s impossible to fetch that information for each and every issues.
What can I do?

@ibuchanan Let me ask you differently please:

How can I fetch all issues for an epic?
Let’s say I have the epics name and ID, how can I get all the issues related to that epic?


How can I fetch all issues for an epic?
Let’s say I have the epics name and ID, how can I get all the issues related to that epic?

You can get issues for epic with GET /rest/agile/1.0/epic/{epicIdOrKey}/issue.

To my knowledge, it is not yet possible to do that with 1 JQL query because the underlying relationships are different for team managed projects vs company managed projects.

There is the parent relationship for team-managed projects as described in this change:

And, for company managed projects, the APIs and relationships have not changed. Engineering tells me they started to roll-out the parent relationship to company-managed projects as an undocumented feature. They ran into problems so the feature has been rolled back. That’s the best explanation I can offer for your disappearing field.


Hi Thomas,
Are there any plans to add parent relationship to company-managed projects in the near furture?