Jira JQL searching by entity property extractions works with aliases only on some instances


We are using entity property index extractor module in our add-on with a key “some.prop.key” and an alias “someAlias” as follows:

"jiraEntityProperties" : [ {
      "key" : "some-entity-properties",
      "name" : {
        "value" : "Some index",
        "i18n" : "some.index"
      "entityType" : "issue",
      "keyConfigurations" : [ {
        "propertyKey" : "some.prop.key",
        "extractions" : [ {
          "objectName" : "total",
          "type" : "number",
          "alias" : "someAlias"
        } ]
      } ]

Recently we are noticed that JQL without alias specified (I’ll call it non-alias) stops finding required issues:

project=XY AND issue.property[some.prop.key].total = 123

However the similar JQL with the corresponding alias is working as expected:

project=XY AND someAlias = 123

Non-alias entity property in JQL is work as expected only on an instances which still has reindex admin option. All updated instances (see the quote from the release notes below) doesn’t take non-alias extractions into account.


05 Sep 2017
Trying to re-index? Good news! JIRA now re-indexes sites and projects automatically, so Indexing and Re-indexing have been removed. We’re rolling out this change gradually, so you might still see them for awhile.

Is it expected behaviour with a new Jira indexing mechanism or is it a bug? Or maybeI missed some deprecation notices?
